Monday, August 11, 2014

Moon Trance

Out, you Moon, damn ye!
Shine elsewhere this winter's eve!
Find some other place to be.
Leave me alone to pace and grieve.

Can I not have even this poor night?
Is stark silence your only reply?
Have it without needing to fight?
Alas, all I can do is sigh...

Moonbeams blasting through my senses
like so many deadly cosmic rays.
Here I sit like on so many fences
awaiting you after the long days.

Silent being of crooked brow
send me hints of tides unleashed.
Talk to me then, not now,
your powers by day have ceased.

Night brings you in your fullness.
White bright light your legacy.
Monthly cycles delay your coolness;
belay my last, your glory I now see!

Rising there o'er yonder hill;
clouds impede your progress
but are shone through by your will,
alone which I serve as witness.

mindbringer, 10 August 2014