Sunday, March 13, 2011

Forward, Spring!


Sun-slanting Sunday afternoon.
Dust-motes glimmering,
after such a windy morning,
floating in the warm breeze.
The tall Cottonwood's seeds
making their way towards hope;
hoping for a new birth,
white in the light.

Haunting cry of distant loon,
Cook-fire simmering,
Jays giving warning.
All nature meeting its needs,
on this glorious day they seize!
Two robins decide to elope.
Of life here and now, there is no dirth;
wonderous is the sight.

Full, early-rising moon,
far Saturn's ring,
sky so clear that both they tease.
Wind-swaying willows and cattail reeds
snake their way up thru marsh like rope.
Ducks waddling to give wide berth.
All seen here is good and right!

mindbringer, 12 March 2011